Saturday, 23 February 2008

Taking bub to work: A good idea or not?

Over at they recently posted on an interesting issue which got a lot of respones: is it a good idea to bring your baby to work with you.

For a long time, this situation was billed as the ideal, the ultimate form of so-called 'flexibility' - being able to work, while literally rocking the baby with the other hand.

I've tried this on several occasions - I've even had to take a newborn baby to a meeting on one nightmarish occasion - and it was a disaster. I had one restless child who suddenly decided he would only settle with a feed and seven sets of eyes expectantly waiting for me to talk around a boardroom table. I've watched other women try and do it too - great for emergencies but not a way to work, or to mother long-term. I think it just makes for a stressed mum and stressed bub.

Take a look at the original story at:

What do you think? Ever tried to take bub to the office?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, I disagree. I belive gaining this flexibility is a big step in finding a balance for women.
- Archie