Thursday, 10 January 2008

Can you give a cat a much needed home?




Some of the many cats awaiting adoption. Photos: courtesy AAPS.

A bit of a community post today. The Australian Animal Protection Society (Keysborough Animal Shelter) is handling a record number of abandoned adult cats and kittens this summer. The shelter services the south and south east of Melbourne. The situation is dire and they desperately need to find some cats homes over the next week. There are so many beautiful cats there, all patiently waiting for a much deserved home. Some of the stories are really heartbreaking and it would be just a wonderful New Year's event if some homes could be found. The Shelter does amazing work, mostly run by volunteers and receives no government assistance. If you have space in your home, there is a potentially very happy cat waiting for you.

Here is the link: (there is also a link button on the right of this page under pets)
Keysborough Animal Shelter: Phone 9798 8044. The shelter is located at 10 Homleigh Road, Keysborough.

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